Posts tagged HIV treatment
Alternative HIV Regimens
Alternative HIV Regimens: For Those Unable to Use Efavirenz
The most commonly prescribed HIV therapies includes efavirenz, which is one of the key ingredients in stopping the spread of HIV cells through the body and keeping the immune system functioning and optimal. Efavirenz is never prescribed alone, however in combination with other anti-HIV drugs it has proven to have the greatest overall results in keeping the HIV viral load down and the immune response minimal. Unfortunately, the side effects can prevent some people from taking efavirenz. The adverse effects can include insomnia, nightmares, confusion, memory loss, headaches and depression. Along with these psychiatric disorders, efavirenz has also been known to cause birth defects in children whose mothers used the drug. Because of these consequences, it is highly recommended that anybody who suffers from certain psychiatric conditions, or any woman who believes they are pregnant, or are trying to pregnant, should not take efavirenz. Luckily, for patients who are HIV positive and unable to take efavirenz, there are alternative HIV regimens found to be effective in keeping the virus under control and unable to attack the immune system.
Researchers at the AIDS Clinic Trials Group (ACTG), have conducted a Phase III, randomized study of regimens which do not use efavirenz. They studied three different therapies given to over 1,800 HIV positive adults. The results were uniformly positive. The in-depth study closely followed the participants for 96 weeks. At the end of the study, it was ascertained that all three regimens were effective in keeping the viral loads down and keeping the immune systems healthy. There were variations in how easily patients were able to withstand any negative effects of the drugs while still gaining all of the positive effects. One regimen was clearly superior in this category – the raltegravir-based therapy – but all three were reasonable for lifelong medical regimens. These alternative HIV regimens that are effective in patients not eligible for efavirenz has provided another outlet of hope for first line defense against HIV infection.
HIV Infected Stimulant Users
HIV Infected Stimulant Users: Treatment Benefits
Some studies in the mid 90’s pointed to evidence that stimulants – such as cocaine or methamphetamine – were causing the antiretroviral therapy to be less effective against HIV. For example, HIV infected stimulant users were developing AIDS more frequently than non-using infected. The most recent studies, however, have shown that this evidence was misleading, and that antiretroviral medication does indeed have the same effects on stimulant users and non-users. The evidence was not taking into account the difficulty many stimulant users, especially those who abused these kinds of drugs, have had to obtain their needed medication. Much of this stemmed from a belief that users of these kinds of drugs would also abuse the antiretroviral medication, or would not take the medication properly.
The new data, collected between 1996 and 2012, shows that stimulant users frequently take their medication at the proper intervals, even when they are unable to lessen or stop their respective stimulant substance. This proved that not only do these infected take their medication as directed, the effects of the medication are nearly identical to non-using infected patients. The concern that still lingers concerning HIV infected stimulant users, however, is the spread of the disease due to their drug-related activities. The latest study, out of the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study (an ongoing study of HIV infected men who have sex with men), has concluded that the biggest focus researchers should now have when dealing with HIV infected stimulant users is education and prevention. One thing the study noticed is that stimulant users are more likely to be open and forthright with their physician—if that doctor is a specialist in HIV and infectious diseases (as opposed to a general physician or one who specializes in drug use and abuse). Even when the patients are not ready to go to a group or doctor for help with their drug habits, they are ready to work with an HIV specialist to ensure their life with HIV is as healthy as possible.
HIV Requires Early Treatment
HIV Requires Early Treatment: B Cells Are the Key in Infected Subjects
It was very clear early on in HIV research that the earlier treatment for the disease begins, the better a person will respond to the antiretroviral medications. However, the exact reason for this has eluded researchers. A recent study of the blood of nearly 100 treated and untreated HIV-infected volunteers has provided a possible explanation as to why HIV requires early treatment. The study underscored the need to begin treatment as close to viral exposure as possible, as it not only means saved lives but it also can ensure a healthier and better quality of life for those living with HIV.
B cells are immune system cells that produce antibodies to viruses like HIV. However, in the above mentioned study, some previously unknown characteristics of B cells were discovered. The researchers found that the antibodies the B cells produced in infected but untreated people were abnormal. These B cells were more activated, more unstable and unresponsive to further stimulation as compared to normal B cells. This may explain why HIV antibodies naturally produced in the body are unable to clear the infection.
The research further discovered that those who were HIV infected—but had undergone early antiretroviral treatment—had B cell responses that were dramatically different from those who had not received treatment. In the treated patients their antibodies were normal, although there were less of them than in the untreated volunteers. The treated patient’s antibodies were also stronger and more effective on the HIV cells. This resulted in a lower amount of virus in the blood, known as a viral load. It also meant a low level of immune activation, which results in a stronger and healthier immune system. All of this underscores the fact that HIV requires early treatment. Antiretroviral medication, when prescribed during the early stages of the infection can stabilize the mutation of any cells – T cells or B cells. This means that the infected person’s natural immune defenses will be robust and better able to defend against HIV for the long run.
New HIV Antibody
New HIV Antibody: Reveals New HIV Vulnerability
It has recently been discovered that a new HIV antibody, known as 35O22, binds itself to a spot on the HIV cell walls—one that was not previously recognized as a vulnerable location. This viral spike, which is located in an area straddling the proteins gp41 and gp120, is weak to the antibody. Because of this, 35O22 is able to bind to the HIV cell and actually neutralizes several strains of the virus. This new HIV antibody has many researchers cautiously hopeful, as the discovery could turn out to be extremely significant.
Over half of the known HIV strains, roughly 60 percent, are affected by the 35O22 antibody. In laboratory tests, moreover, the antibody actually prevented these strains of HIV from infecting other cells. More good news is that the antibody is very potent, which means only a small amount of the antibody is needed to neutralize the virus. After discovering 35O22, scientists and researchers have identified other 35O22-like antibodies that are common in groups of HIV-infected people. Indeed, their blood contains antibodies that could potentially neutralize most of the known HIV strains. This suggests that a vaccine could elicit 35O22 much easier than other less common bNAbs (Broadly Neutralizing HIV-1 Antibodies) – the grouping of antibodies 35O22 belongs in.
Researchers also report that the strains of HIV that 35O22 neutralizes compliments the strains neutralized by other bNAbs. This means that combining 35O22 with some of the other bNAbs in a vaccine, prevention treatment, or therapy could produce a single solution to the problem of HIV: the complete neutralization of the vast majority of HIV strains found around the globe. This new HIV antibody and the exposure of a new vulnerability in the HIV cell is therefore very significant. In fact, it could mean a potential cure for HIV by way of preventing all known strains of the virus from replicating.
Interferon in HIV Treatment
Interferon in HIV Treatment: It Still Has Its Place
Interferons (IFN) are cells that are naturally produced in the body to fight against viral infections. When working as intended, interferons ultimately ward off and destroy the virus in the body. In fact, they are the main natural defense against cold and flu viruses. One major downside to interferon, though, is the harmful effects they have on the body while fighting viruses. You know that achy, nauseous feeling you get when you have the flu? Many of the symptoms equated with the flu actually don’t come from the virus itself; it comes from the effects of your body’s production of interferon cells. Interferon creates an inflammation in the body as it works, causing the ache that you experience. This negative side effect is a major reason why researchers have abandoned general use of interferon in HIV treatment.
Though this medication was used for several years as the only treatment of hepatitis C, new medications that have fewer side effects, a higher rate of success, and a shorter regimen period have replaced interferon treatment. However, in an attempt to keep the benefits of interferon treatment, researchers are trying to eliminate the negative side effects of IFNs while still keeping its effective virus-attacking properties intact. The results were mixed.
Researchers were successful in eliminating a majority of the side effects of IFN therapies, but they learned that when the inflammation is removed it affects interferon’s efficacy against viruses. It was also learned that interferon in HIV treatment, if given shortly after exposure to HIV, can be very effective—this despite the fact that general IFN treatment is still not the most effective way to manage HIV. Thus, it is important to keep in mind the type of treatment that an HIV patient is administered, and the timing of the treatment.